What are the kinds of Technical Communications? Instructions, User Manuals, Reports, Memo, Procedures, Letters, etc. (3).
I remember taking Technical Writing as a college student... Long, long ago, in a far away land. :) It was a fun class for me. I created a web site, had to revise a document for a major project, and a few other things. I don't remember much from the class, except that I created a web site and the redesigned project. But I know I enjoyed the class.
I don't know what the website was about. The redesigned project was a member handbook for the church I was gong to at the time. They never used my redesigned book. :(
I wonder if in 20+ years, will my students remember anything they learned or did in my Tech Writing class? #nowifeelold
I hope they do. I hope they remember that I taught them that they can be creative even when following a required format. I hope they remember that being a Technical Writer can be fun. I hope they remember that writing is hard work, but worth it. I hope they remember that good writing comes from practice.
Even if they only remember an assignment or two for the class, I hope taking this class was well worth it for them. It was for me. Because I took Technical Writing, I'm now teaching Technical Writing. Yay! for a minor in Technical Writing. It got me a job!
Works Cited
Lannon, John M., and Laura J.
Gurak. Technical Communication. 14th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2016. Print.