Friday, October 6, 2017

Constructive Criticism

I typed “define Constructive Criticism” in Google, and nothing came back.  Wonder why?  Who knows, but we face criticism everyday.  I’m not sure how I feel about constructive criticism, because in general, the person giving the criticism thinks it’s constructive, and most of the time the person receiving the criticism feels as if it’s deconstructive.

Getting advice or feedback is a good thing.  It helps you grow as a person.  We need it in all aspects of our lives, even in the workplace, which can be hard on us.  Workplace criticism is hard to deal with because it can cost you your job, but if given in a constructive way, it will benefit both the employee and the company.

I work well with criticism.  I’m a self-actualizer, so I’m pretty self-aware, and usually know when I need improvement.  One thing I do hate is when I think I’m doing well, but find out that I’m not, simply because I wasn’t told what I needed to do.  I can’t do something if I don’t know about it.

I have a performance review coming up soon.  We'll see how it goes.