Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Spring Semester of Technical Writing

I’ve started the Spring semester of Technical Writing.  I’m excited.  I think I’ve finally gotten my class together, so now, I shouldn’t have to do as much work as I had to do the first couple of semesters.

I must work out how to work out an effective schedule.  I’m going to like these two classes.  They are very active, and asks lots of questions.  It’s cool because I love the interaction.

I’m enjoying teaching this class.  My “ideal” class to teach was Creative Writing, Novel or Story Writing specifically, but now, my “ideal” class has changed.  It’s Technical Writing now.  The students have done some amazing work.  It’s been fun seeing what they can do.

I’m looking forward to this semester.

I’m going to be sure to keep up with the blog this semester.