Friday, October 13, 2017

Bad Habits All Around

Changing a bad habit is hard to do, but it can be done.  We must remember that a habit is just behavior, and behavior can be changed.

For most people, change is hard.  It’s hard because once something becomes routine, we don’t like to change our routines.  Writing is no different.  We develop habits when we write.  Whether it’s a common error or style of writing, we develop them, often times, not even realizing that we have this habit.

I don’t know that I have any “bad” writing habits, maybe too many comma errors, but I don’t think of any as bad.  I have a weird writing habit. I like to handwrite my first draft, but I can only write it on a particular style of paper. The paper is only sold at the beginning of the school year at Wal-Mart.  I generally have to stock up on it as well.  I also have a certain type of pen that I like using.  I can use other types of pen, but I feel better using my favorite style.  The only thing about my favorite style is that it is only sold in a 12 pack set, which includes two of them.  Thankfully, the other colors of the pen are cool, and I like using them.

Changing a habit takes patient and dedication.  Once I heard that something becomes a habit when you do it 21 times in a row.  I usually try the same thing when unlearning a habit.