Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Wikipedia… It has it’s Place, But Not in an Academic Essay

Wikipedia is a good starting point for person to begin their research.  It gets your brain to thinking about the subject matter, as well as provides links to other sources that may give you some ideas as well.

The biggest problem with Wikipedia is that regular people, who often don’t verify their sources, or provide accurate information, write the information.  It’s not verified or checked in any way either.  There’s no editor.  No experts review the site.

I remember one time Wikipedia kept saying that comedian Sinbad was dead.  Mike and Mike discussed it on air, and Greeney was very upset with the Wikipedians.  Calling them out for writing the false information.  It took a while for the site to get the information correct.

To use a source, remember to evaluate it using the following items:

·         Authority
·         Currency
·         Accuracy
·         Objectivity
·         Usability
·         Appropriateness