Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mama, I Am a Writer...

What can I say about writing?  A lot, since I am a writer.

I think back to the first time I told my mother I wanted to be a writer.  It was an exciting time for me, but I don’t think my mother fully understood my excitement.

I can now say… “Mama, I am a writer!”

Still not sure she will understand my excitement, but I know she’s proud.

Writing is a form of catharsis that can lead to one freeing themselves of past hurts, discovering new loves, fulfilling dreams, and expressing their thoughts.  It’s good to write.  Writing in general accomplishes this more than technical writing.

Technical writing is different than writing in general.  Technical writing requires you to look at how the document looks, as well as how it sounds.  Writing generally requires that you make sure it is error free, often not focusing on the look of the document.  With technical writing, you must ask, am I using the correct colors, is the font okay, does the layout of the page make sense, am I focusing on the correct things in the document to get my point across?

While tech writing and writing in general are different, I think every writer, writing in general, should think about the presentation of their document.  It is key to make sure you present your document in a way that will present yourself as the best.

After I began taking my technical writing classes in college, I began to pay attention to the items I was reading.  Becoming a technical writer, changed how I view all documents, whether they are general documents or technical documents.  I often want to be hard on students when they turn in assignments.  I must remember that they aren’t writers like me, and most of them don’t have a minor in technical writing.

Writing for me is so much fun… even the technical stuff.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weeks 4-6

Weeks 4-6 are fun weeks for me in Tech Writing.  The students begin their e-portfolios, learn about organizing, and learn about page design.

I enjoy the page design assignment the best.  It’s a fun assignment where the students redesign a “poorly” designed document to make it look better.  It’s fun to see what the students come up with.

Many students dislike the e-portfolio assignment.  They generally don’t feel like they have anything to put in it of value.  By the end of the semester, they see the value, as well as see how their work has progressed throughout the semester.  I use an old school portfolio (although the students turn it in electronically) for my 1301 classes.  It helps them see they progress as well.

I think showcasing one’s writings help them see that they can write and produce good work.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Writing Process

The Writing Process is important to every writer, no matter the level they are at in their writing endeavors.

The steps are: Pre-Writing, Writing, Editing, Revising, & Publishing.

I tell my students… “You engage in the Writing Process every time you send a text, but you don’t realize it.”

1. Pre-Writing: You think about the message you want to send, and who you want to send it to.
2. Writing: You write out the text.
3. Editing & Revising: You look at the text to see if it says all you want it to say.
4. Publishing: You send the text.

As an English professor, I feel that this is the best skill I can teach my students.  To break the writing down into smaller steps.  It will make writing easier.  I go through the steps in class for each assignment, but I don’t tell them that it’s a step in the writing process.  I may have to start doing this.

Most of my students appreciate being taught the process.  It often lets them know that they don’t have to do everything in one step…  writing is a process.  If I can get my students to learn that one thing… I feel like I’ve overcome a great obstacle.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Technical Writing Skills

Technical Writing is an important skill for professionals.  Most people don't think about being a technical writer, but, many of them it.  When writing memos, emails, and other communication used on a job, it is technical writing.  So, learning a little about how to write technical documents is key for every employee.

Technical Writing is one of the reasons I was hired at one of the colleges I teach at.  The dean saw that I had a Tech Writing minor, and my resume caught her attention.  I got the minor because it was a way for me to take computer classes.  I never imagined it would get me hired.

I often encourage my students to add technical writing as a skill on their resume.  I feel that it gives them an advantage that most other applicants don’t have.  I think any advantage you can have when getting your resume viewed helps.

I also encourage my students to display their work from the class in their e-portfolios.  This also showcases their talents.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Teaching College Students Tech Writing

What is Technical Writing (Communication)?  "Technical communication is the exchange of information that helps people interact with technology and solve complex problems" (Lannon 3).

What are the kinds of Technical Communications? Instructions, User Manuals, Reports, Memo, Procedures, Letters, etc. (3).

I remember taking Technical Writing as a college student... Long, long ago, in a far away land. :)  It was a fun class for me.  I created a web site, had to revise a document for a major project, and a few other things.  I don't remember much from the class, except that I created a web site and the redesigned project.  But I know I enjoyed the class.

I don't know what the website was about.  The redesigned project was a member handbook for the church I was gong to at the time.  They never used my redesigned book. :(


I wonder if in 20+ years, will my students remember anything they learned or did in my Tech Writing class?  #nowifeelold

I hope they do.  I hope they remember that I taught them that they can be creative even when following a required format.  I hope they remember that being a Technical Writer can be fun.  I hope they remember that writing is hard work, but worth it.  I hope they remember that good writing comes from practice.

Even if they only remember an assignment or two for the class, I hope taking this class was well worth it for them.  It was for me.  Because I took Technical Writing, I'm now teaching Technical Writing.  Yay! for a minor in Technical Writing.  It got me a job!

Works Cited

Lannon, John M., and Laura J. Gurak. Technical Communication. 14th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2016. Print.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

What I Learned Last Week... (Rather... What I Taught Last Week...)

Last week was about plagiarism, Technical Writing, and ethics.  All of these are important to a professional person.  Ethics and plagiarism go hand in hand because avoiding plagiarism requires you to be ethical.

All in all, last week was a refresher for me.  I also discussed some of the same topics in 1301, which was funny.  Plagiarism is taught in all levels of English courses in college. It's one of those lessons that you need to be reminded of over and over again.

As an English professor, I'm responsible for teaching future employees, business owners, and the like the lesson of plagiarism, so it's vital that I fully understand it.  I've been accused of plagiarizing, and I've been plagiarized, so I feel qualified to teach it.


Let the Blogging Begin Week 3

It's time to start blogging for 2311.  Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with the posts, unlike in past semester.
