Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weeks 4-6

Weeks 4-6 are fun weeks for me in Tech Writing.  The students begin their e-portfolios, learn about organizing, and learn about page design.

I enjoy the page design assignment the best.  It’s a fun assignment where the students redesign a “poorly” designed document to make it look better.  It’s fun to see what the students come up with.

Many students dislike the e-portfolio assignment.  They generally don’t feel like they have anything to put in it of value.  By the end of the semester, they see the value, as well as see how their work has progressed throughout the semester.  I use an old school portfolio (although the students turn it in electronically) for my 1301 classes.  It helps them see they progress as well.

I think showcasing one’s writings help them see that they can write and produce good work.