Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Writing Process

The Writing Process is important to every writer, no matter the level they are at in their writing endeavors.

The steps are: Pre-Writing, Writing, Editing, Revising, & Publishing.

I tell my students… “You engage in the Writing Process every time you send a text, but you don’t realize it.”

1. Pre-Writing: You think about the message you want to send, and who you want to send it to.
2. Writing: You write out the text.
3. Editing & Revising: You look at the text to see if it says all you want it to say.
4. Publishing: You send the text.

As an English professor, I feel that this is the best skill I can teach my students.  To break the writing down into smaller steps.  It will make writing easier.  I go through the steps in class for each assignment, but I don’t tell them that it’s a step in the writing process.  I may have to start doing this.

Most of my students appreciate being taught the process.  It often lets them know that they don’t have to do everything in one step…  writing is a process.  If I can get my students to learn that one thing… I feel like I’ve overcome a great obstacle.